This is a Reg­istry and Privacy Policy in accor­dance with the EU General Data Pro­tection Reg­u­lation (GDPR).

Name of the register

Nordpine Oy’s cus­tomer infor­mation register.

Reg­istrar and similar body

Inquiries and requests con­cerning the pro­cessing of per­sonal data pri­marily to the data con­troller at: info@​nordpine.​fi.


Purpose of the register

The purpose of the reg­ister is to act as Nordpine Oy’s cus­tomer data register.

The data may be used for the fol­lowing purposes;

  • Cus­tomer rela­tionship management.
  • Mar­keting and infor­mation through a newsletter.
  • Site visitor tracking through Google Ana­lytics to improve the cus­tomer service experience.


Regular sources of information

The main source of infor­mation is the cus­tomer them­selves. Infor­mation can also be obtained from authority and business infor­mation reg­isters and joint partners.

Infor­mation content of the register

The reg­ister mainly con­tains infor­mation pro­vided by cus­tomers them­selves to Nordpine Oy.

The reg­ister may contain e.g. the fol­lowing cus­tomer information:

  • The name of the person.
  • Email address.
  • And other user-pro­vided information.


Regular dis­clo­sures

With the cus­tomer’s consent, the infor­mation may be dis­closed to the cus­tomer’s and Nordpine Oy’s joint partners in order to deliver the products and ser­vices ordered by the customer.

Billing infor­mation can be dis­closed to payment intermediaries.

The data will not be dis­closed to other third parties inside or outside the EU.

The infor­mation may be dis­closed to the author­ities if they submit a request based on Finnish law.


Registry security principles

Manual material

The infor­mation is not kept in physical form, except for the accounts, which are only acces­sible to certain Nordpine Oy employees and the accountant, who are bound by the oblig­ation of confidentiality.

Data stored in infor­mation man­agement systems

The data is trans­ferred over an SSL-secured connection.

Elec­tronic data is pro­tected by a firewall. Only specif­i­cally des­ig­nated Nordpine Oy employees have access to reg­ister infor­mation. Employees are iden­tified by a username and password. The infor­mation will be treated as con­fi­dential and may not be dis­closed to anyone other than those who need it in the course of their work, who are bound by pro­fes­sional secrecy.

Right of inspection and prohibition

The data subject has the right to check what infor­mation about him or her has been stored in the per­sonal data reg­ister. A written request for inspection must be sent signed to the person respon­sible for reg­is­tration matters.

The right of inspection is free of charge up to once a year.

Data retention period

We retain per­sonal infor­mation only for as long as is nec­essary for the type of per­sonal infor­mation and the purpose for which it is processed.



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